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← Columbia-Greene Community College
Saturday, October 25, 2025
10:00 am
4:00 pm
Columbia-Greene Community College
4400 Route 23
Hudson, NY 12534
September 2, 2025
Andy Baker
About the Holiday Craft & Vendor Fair
Each year more than 1,000 people attend the Columbia-Greene Community College Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair, a joy-filled event that kicks off the holiday craft fair season. Each year, the Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair raises about $10,000, which is put to work immediately, supporting our students as they pursue their academic goals.

Please do not share this link with others. All interested vendors must be vetted through the event coordinator before being given the application. This event is selective so that vendors with duplicate products are not admitted.
All communication concerning this event will be provided via email. Please make sure your email information is correct.

Application Process

10x10 booth with two chairs $70
Two 10x10 booths with chairs $110
Table (optional) $10 per table (max: 2)

Application Deadline
September 2, 2025

Please note that vendor booths at the C-GCC Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair sell out each year. Applications are reviewed in the order received, so apply early.

In addition to the booth fee, each vendor should be prepared to donate one item from their inventory to the raffle held at the event. Your donated item will be displayed with your business name for shoppers throughout the day of the fair. The value of this donated item is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please let the event coordinator know if you require a tax receipt for this item.

Once your payment has been received, you will be listed as a vendor on all social media.

Application and payment online via credit card are strongly encouraged.

To register and pay by check, please download the form and mail with your check to:

Andy Baker
Columbia-Greene Community College
4400 Route 23
Hudson, NY 12534

Event Expectations

Set-up & Breakdown:
When you arrive, check-in at the South Entrance of the Main Building.
You may set up your booth between 3 pm and 7 pm on the Friday before the event. Doors open to vendors at 7:30 am the morning of the event. Student and staff volunteers will be available during these periods. Security will be onsite 24 hours a day, and the venue is locked after Friday pre-set.

All booths must be ready by 9:30 am on Saturday, and doors open to the public at 10 am. Donations to the raffle are due no later than 9:30 am.
Doors close at 4 pm, but customers will be allowed until 4:30 pm to complete their purchases at the event. Do not close your booth until 4 pm.

Loading and Unloading: you may unload at the curb of the South Entrance on Friday between 3 pm – 7 pm. Please move your vehicle into the parking lot as soon as you have unloaded to make space for others. Loading can happen in the same way.

On the day of the event, please park in the upper parking spaces of the South Entrance lot to make space for shoppers.

Smoking Policy:
This is a Smoke-Free / Tobacco Free campus. Smoking of any kind is prohibited anywhere on campus.
